Wednesday, October 7, 2015

QUOTES Success secrets of the super rich


Success secrets of the super rich

Gain pearls of wisdom from these super-successful.

Mukesh Ambani

  • “I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.”

“I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.”


Warren Buffett
  • “Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.”
“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.”

Bill Gates
“It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

Steve Jobs
  • “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Jeff Bezos
  • “If you never want to be criticized, for goodness' sake don't do anything new.”
“If you never want to be criticized, for goodness' sake don't do anything new.”


Oprah Winfrey
  • “What other people label or might try to call failure, I have learned is just God’s way of pointing you in a new direction.”
“What other people label or might try to call failure, I have learned is just God’s way of pointing you in a new direction.”

Rupert Murdoch

  • “I love competition. And I want to win.”
“I love competition. And I want to win.”
Richard Branson
  • “My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.”

“My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.”
Donald Trump
  • “Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.”

“Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.”

Mark Zuckerberg

  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”


Lakshmi Mittal

  • “Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve.”

“Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve.”


Azim Premji

  • “If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.”

“If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.”


Andy Grove
  • “You have to pretend you're 100 percent sure. You have to take action; you can't hesitate or hedge your bets. Anything less will condemn your efforts to failure.”

“You have to pretend you're 100 percent sure. You have to take action; you can't hesitate or hedge your bets. Anything less will condemn your efforts to failure.”


Andrew Carnegie

  • “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

Clive Palmer

  • “I realised that in a lot of failures, there is a lot of opportunities.”

“I realised that in a lot of failures, there is a lot of opportunities.”


Michael Dell

  • “Whether you’ve found your calling, or if you’re still searching, passion should be the fire that drives your life’s work.”

“Whether you’ve found your calling, or if you’re still searching, passion should be the fire that drives your life’s work.”


Ted Turner

  • “I just love it when people say I can't do it, there's nothing that makes me feel better because all my life, people have said that I wasn't going to make it.”

“I just love it when people say I can't do it, there's nothing that makes me feel better because all my life, people have said that I wasn't going to make it.”


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